Friday, December 16, 2016

So....can actually fat people swing?

I saw this post on an internet site that read So....can actually fat people swing?  
Reading this made me realize a great many things about perceptions. I now also understood why there are times other heavy set females and myself are often hugging the walls at swing events. There is an unstated realization that comes with that question. My reality is...of course I want to scream out

and aim it directly at those leads that walk right by me to the slender female next to me.  I sometimes feel invisible. I'm not sure if it is my weight, my color, my hair style, but I am not and others are not unapproachable. So I believe some leads make mental assumptions, have preconceived notions derived from historical mistreatment of us that fit somehow in that "others" category. Then they see me dance and here they come over and over again party after party. I've been actually lindy hopping for a little over three years now and I must be honest at first it was quite a turn off. I almost gave up a few times to the utter dismay of my dance instructor Samuel Coleman because I am not the wallflower type. But one day that all changed for me. I decided to stick it out thanks to a few magical dances with one of my favorite lindy hoppers the premier choreographer, lindy hopper and tap dancer Mr. Ryan Francois. At various events during the Frankie 100 lindy event in NYC he encouraged me to dance. One night when he came to Harlem my Sammy Swings crew and I met him at Harlem Shake. We all danced outside on the pavement.  He said we have to find more guys in Harlem to dance with you all. From that moment I was even more determined to prove that big girls can lindy too. Thanks Ryan!


  1. I so relate to this as a plus size dancer. Thanks I thought I was alone.

  2. I appreciate this as well. I'm going to try solo dancing more to show anyone who doubts I can dance just what they are missing out on. Thanks!


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